Arts and Crafts


How to Register

  • 通过选择所需课程上的“添加到购物车”进行在线注册,并在准备结帐时选择页面底部的“购物车”.
    • “剩余座位”信息每半小时更新一次,并在您结账时更新一次.
  • Other registration options are available.

Don’t see the course you are looking for below? 注册以获取即将到来的课程的更新和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.


Basic Watercolor

加入我们,发现你自己独特的使用透明水彩颜料的方法, 从自由实验到更有控制的方法. 探索混合和分层的颜色,同时观察花卉,静物和景观. Learn color theory, pencil sketching, composition, drawing directly with a brush, and planning area of wash. 每个人都是受欢迎的,无论是第一次和长期的画家. 请带上你已有的材料, or purchase the following supplies: a pan set of transparent watercolors; a pointed round watercolor brush (approximately size 6; handle will be shorter than oil painting brush); pad of 140# watercolor paper; masking tape; pencil; two water containers; and two pieces of cardboard (slightly larger than size of paper).

Course will be held in Daycare Center, Room B05

Carol Bollinger Green, Instructor


Basic Watercolor
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesdays, 4/24 - 5/15
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
ZARC-070 600 0 seats left $59Section Full

Call to be added to wait list

Canvas Tote Bag Painting

科学家们将创造性表达与整体健康联系起来, brain stimulation, and stress reduction. Art also enhances cognitive abilities, stimulates imagination, sharpens problem solving skills, and so much more! Art in Mind是一个健康工作室,强调艺术对灵魂的强大影响. 学生必须在课程开始前5个工作日退课,方可获得全额退款.

加入经验丰富的教育工作者从艺术在心中创造一个美丽的帆布手提袋! 当我们走过这个有趣的项目时,学习在织物上绘画的技术. 你将画在一个14“x 14”帆布手提袋,你可以享受整个夏天. All supplies included. No experience necessary.

Course will be held in Daycare Center, Room B06

Art in Mind, Instructor

Canvas Tote Bag Painting
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Thursday, 5/16
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
ZARC-394 600 14 seats left $59

Canvas and Cookies

来享受一个有趣的夜晚,我们一边画画一边享用烘焙食品! In this exciting class, 你会创作出一幅你会自豪地放在家里展示或作为礼物送给别人的画. 所有的用品都包括在内,所以你所需要做的就是准备好玩得开心!

Course will be held in Daycare Center, Room B06

Cynthia Mulvaney, Instructor

Canvas and Cookies
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesday, 6/12
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
ZARC-395 700 20 seats left $59Opens 5/15

Easy Lip Balm

Pamper your lips! In this class, 我们将学习如何使用愈合油和精油和调味油制作温和的磨砂膏和保湿润唇膏. 你要带两盒磨砂膏和三盒润唇膏回家. All materials will be provided. Course includes a $10 materials fee.

Course will be held in  Daycare Building, Room 135

Karen DuJack, Instructor

Easy Lip Balm
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesday, 6/25
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
ZARC-360 700 12 seats left $37Opens 5/15

Felting Fun!

本课程将涵盖针毡的美丽艺术的基础知识. 针毡是一种非常雕塑的工艺,它使用毛线和针,类似于油漆和刷子来创造美丽的纹理艺术品. 本课程将教你基本的感觉,这样你就可以把你学到的东西和你一起创造更多的作品. 所需的所有用品都包含在课程的价格中, 你可以把它们带回家,在以后的工作中使用!

Course will be held in Daycare Center, Room B06

Cynthia Mulvaney, Instructor

Felting Fun!
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesday, 6/26
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
ZARC-396 700 20 seats left $59Opens 5/15

Foggy Rain Painting

科学家们将创造性表达与整体健康联系起来, brain stimulation, and stress reduction. Art also enhances cognitive abilities, stimulates imagination, sharpens problem solving skills, and so much more! Art in Mind是一个健康工作室,强调艺术对灵魂的强大影响. 学生必须在课程开始前5个工作日退课,方可获得全额退款.

加入来自心灵艺术工作室的经验丰富的老师,画出这幅受艺术家列昂尼德·阿夫雷夫启发的美丽作品. 你想学习如何创建反射,雾,和更多? 学习亚克力绘画技术,将挑战你,不管你的绘画经验. 我们将一步一步地教你,给你个性化的帮助,创造你自己独特的杰作. All levels are welcome! All supplies included. No experience necessary.

Course will be held in Daycare Center, Room B06

Art in Mind, Instructor

Foggy Rain Painting
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Thursday, 6/13
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
ZARC-397 700 20 seats left $59Opens 5/15

Painting Bold and Bright Florals in Acrylic

找到你的勇气,让自己沉浸在大胆而强大的丙烯绘画世界中. Designed for all skill levels, 这个工作坊将教你行之有效的技巧来创造大胆, dimensional florals. 本课程将涵盖构图,色彩混合和笔触的基础知识. 当你探索丙烯酸树脂的充满活力的介质时,你会得到个性化的指导,创造深度和亮度. 这个工作坊将给你一些基本的技巧,你可以应用到其他工作中. All levels are welcome. Course includes $25 materials fee.

Course will be held in  Daycare Center, Room B05 

Jill Evans, Instructor

Painting Bold and Bright Florals in Acrylic
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Thursday, 6/20
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
ZARC-370 700 10 seats left $95Opens 5/15

Promised Land Farm Bug Away

Summer is coming; be prepared! Join us to make some all-natural bug repellent. 我们将使用保湿油和精油制作4个容器的全天然驱蚊剂,装在易拉罐里,方便携带,不会洒出来. All materials will be provided. Course includes a $10 materials fee.

Course will be held in the Day Care Center, Room 135


Promised Land Farm Bug Away
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Tuesday, 6/11
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
ZARC-367 700 12 seats left $37Opens 5/15

Sewing for Beginners

In this introductory class, you will learn about your sewing machine, including how to thread it, wind the bobbin, set the tension, and test it. Bring your sewing machine, extension cord, manual, thread, fabric scraps, scissors, and a seam ripper to class.

Course will be held in  Daycare Center, Room B05 

Joann Waidelich, Instructor

Sewing for Beginners
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Wednesday, 6/12
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ZARC-163 700 10 seats left $32Opens 5/15

Sewing for Beginners Level 2

如果你对缝纫完全陌生,缝纫初学者课程是这门课的先决条件. 我们将建立在你的初级技能,使一个围裙. Bring your sewing machine, extension cord, manual, one yard of fabric with matching thread, scissors, and a seam ripper with you to class.

Course will be held in  Daycare Center, Room B05 

Joann Waidelich, Instructor

Sewing for Beginners Level 2
Schedule Section Seats Left Cost Register
Friday, 6/21
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ZARC-220 700 10 seats left $32Opens 5/15

Additional Resources

Are you ready?
Forms and Important Information
在这里你可以找到我们所有课程和项目的表格, including kids on campus, related to registration, consent and release, scholarship requests and more.
Keyboard with word Cancel highlighted
Refunds & Cancellations
取消和退款政策取决于课程的类型和长度. 查找有关课程取消,要求退款等.
Form on a laptop
Apply to Teach
The Office of Community, 专业和劳动力发展对社区成员感兴趣的新的和创新的教师和课程理念感兴趣.

Get in Touch



Fax: (518) 629-8103

Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)